ইউনিয়ন পরিষদর ইতিহাস

Mayor's Message Md. Nizam Uddin First of all, I would like to extend my sincere greetings to all the residents of Akkelpur Municipality. Many thanks for visiting our institutional website. Akkelpur Municipality has taken the step of introducing it through its website which we feel is a timely step in the era of electric automation. To meet the needs of the 21st century, we feel that it is necessary for an organization to have a website and as a result we present our municipal activities not only to the citizens but also to the whole world so that the citizens are not deprived of the right to access the municipal services whenever they need and the effective running by the municipal authorities. We can always highlight the steps in front of the people so that accountability is ensured. Through this site, people can get updated information about all the steps and developmental activities that we are taking to make Akkelpur municipality suitable for people's living. gets This municipality is committed to making the best use of the potential for the development of Akkelpur residents. Through this website, all municipal services will reach the doorsteps of the citizens very easily. We hope that this effort will reduce the distance between the municipality and the city dwellers with Akkelpur as the center of the city. Moreover, we believe that municipal information services will reach every household in the city where there is a personal computer PC or who is using internet on mobile. This website of the municipality will continue their activities and will go beyond the time limit. Above all, this website of Akkelpur municipality will play a very important role in the implementation of 'Digital Bangladesh' of the current government. On behalf of the municipality, we request all the citizens to give their well-thought-out views regarding this website to accelerate our progress. finally, City dwellers and those staying outside the country must visit this web site. Thanks to those who are constantly working to keep the website up to date.
Md. Nizam Uddin
Mayor Kanai Ghat Municipality, Sylhet